Ancient Civilizations

martes, 6 de mayo de 2014

How to create hyperlinks in LibreOffice Writer

                               To a Web page
1º Go to Hyperlink,in \Insert .

2º To create an hyperlink to a web page click on "Internet".
      In "target" you must to paste the web which you will link to the hyperlink.
      In "text", you must write the text that will apear in the document, in form
      of hyperlink.

3º After press "Apply" and "Close", the hyperlink will be created and should
     appear like this:

4º To activate the hyperlink you must "press" control key and click on it.

To another part of the same document (using bookmarks)

Go to Hyperlink,in \Insert .

2º In \Hyperlink go to "Document".

 3º Now you must select the target to the hyperlink  clicking on "Target"
      (previously you must to create a boockmark on it) and the text that will
      appear in "Text".

4º After press on "Apply" and "Close" should appear something like that:

 5º Hold Control key and click on the hyperlink to activate it.

To certain part of another document (linking to a table or a section)

  1º Go to Hyperlink,in \Insert .

2º  In \Hyperlink go to "Document".

3º In "Path" select the document to go to.

4º In "Target" select the specific part of the document that you selected 
     before, which you will link to the hyperlink. In this case is an image, so 
     you must select "graphic(X)" depend on the order of images in the 

5º Now fill the gap of "text" with the taxt that will appear to click in.
     Clickin "·Apply" and " Close".

 6º To activate it hold Control key and click on the hyperlink.